Training and events

Professional training

Past listings

Accreditation for assistance animals

QAI was recently featured on A Current Affair for a story about a person with an assistance animal who was having trouble with accreditation. You can watch the episode 'Disability pensioner and assistance dog's life-saving relationship at risk' here. Both the...

QAI says YES to the Voice to Parliament

Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) has resolved to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and a constitutionally enshrined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament. QAI’s position was decided after First Nations management committee and staff...

NDIS Review

QAI welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the NDIS Review. The NDIS provides critical support that facilitates the rights of people with disability to be independent and to live full social and economic lives.   However key challenges with the scheme remain...

Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023

QAI contributed to a joint submission by the Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) and other individuals to comment on the proposed Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023. Submission - PDF  

Review to inform a better and fairer education system

The right to education for students with disabilities has long been a focus of QAI’s systemic advocacy. Practices such as gatekeeping, the overuse of school disciplinary absences, the use of Restrictive Practices and a lack of access to reasonable adjustments, are...

Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights framework

QAI welcomes the opportunity to publicly call for a federal Human Rights Act. QAI continues to bear witness to the numerous ways in which people with disability have their rights infringed on a daily basis. Current avenues for redress provide piecemeal protection and...

Supported Decision-Making: Helping people to make their own decisions

To celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), QAI and ADA Law are launching a new guide on Supported Decision-Making. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) states that people with disability have a right to be supported...

Administrative Review Reform

QAI made a submission to the Attorney General's Department on the design of a new federal administrative review body. Read our submission here: Submission - PDF Submission - Word    

QAI calls on the NDIA to follow the law when funding supports 

Earlier this month, QAI appeared before the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). We gave evidence to the Committee’s inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).   QAI focused on...

The issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms

QAI made a submission to the federal government's inquiry into increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms. QAI urged the Committee to take a considered approach to understanding perceived “disorderly behaviour” which could be the manifestation of a person’s...

Human Rights Solicitor (First Nations identified role)

Role Description This is a First Nations identified role. The Human Rights Solicitor will provide a high standard of referral, advice and representation to clients of QAI, with a focus on guardianship and administration matters. The solicitor will contribute to the...

Current and proposed sexual consent laws in Australia

In March 2023, the Commonwealth Government conducted an inquiry into the sexual consent laws across the different jurisdictions in Australia. QAI's submission outlined our long-standing concern about Section 216 of the Queensland Criminal Code which criminalises...

Disability Discrimination

Understand what disability discrimination is, what protections there are for people with disability and what the process is for making a complaint about discrimination based on a persons disability. You can read the fact sheet at the link below: PDF fact sheet Word...

Briefing paper for NDIS Review panel

On the 2nd March 2023, representatives from Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI), Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service, Darwin Community Legal Service and Rights Information and Advocacy Centre (RIAC) met with the NDIS Review panel. They provided a...

Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023

On 21 February 2023, the Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023 was introduced into the Queensland Parliament. The Bill was referred to the Economics and Governance Committee for detailed consideration and report by 10 March 2023. The proposed legislative changes...

QAI Conversations – February 2023

Date - Wednesday 15 February 2023Time - 9:00am - 11:00amLocation - QAI Offices, Level 2 South Central Commercial, 43 Peel Street, South Brisbane (Meanjin) Event Details QAI is committed to ensuring its systems advocacy is grounded in the perspectives of people with...

A new Act to replace the Disability Services Act 1986 (Cth)

QAI welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Commonwealth government’s plan to replace the Disability Services Act 1986 (the Act). QAI agrees that a lot has changed in the disability sector over the last three decades, rendering the Act outdated. QAI...

Stop Youth Crime – Get Smarter, Not Tougher

In December 2022, the Queensland Government announced a ten-point plan to "make tough laws even tougher" in response to a perceived increase in violent youth crime. In response, QAI has signed an Open Letter with our allies, urging the Queensland Parliament to...

Disaster events and disability discrimination

This fact sheet covers details about how disability discrimination and the law works when dealing with a natural disaster. You can read the fact sheet at the link below: Fact sheet PDF (10 MB)

Natural disasters, disability and the law

With the help of law firm Norton Rose Fulbright, we have put together this resource to help people with disability understand their legal rights during and after natural disasters. You can view the pdf booklet via the link below, or contact our office if you would...

Human Rights Solicitor

Role Description The Human Rights Solicitor will provide a high standard of referral, advice  and representation to clients of QAI, with a focus on guardianship and administration matters. The solicitor will contribute to the systemic advocacy work and community legal...

Monitoring of Places of Detention (OPCAT) Bill 2022

The purpose of this Bill is to facilitate visits by the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (the Subcommittee) to places of detention in Queensland. QAI welcomes this Bill following the Subcommittee’s failed visit to Australia in October 2022 when it...

Implementing OPCAT in Queensland

The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) is a unique opportunity to strengthen oversight for all sites of detention in Queensland, particularly disability-specific and...

QAI’s final recommendations to the Disability Royal Commission

During the course of the Disability Royal Commission, QAI has provided extensive evidence of the ongoing mistreatment of people with disability in Australian society. QAI has made ten written submissions, given evidence at three public hearings, and our Disability...


Image description: Photo of presenters at the OPCAT forum, the people in it (from left to right) are from government bodies, Scott McDougall (QHRC), Iain Anderson (Commonwealth Ombudsman), John Chesterman (OPA), Sophia Rinaldis from AHRC, and from civil society...

Information and Referral Officer / Paralegal

QAI has multiple short term positions available until 30 June 2023. Join a dynamic team full time or part time providing advocacy for people with disability to uphold their rights and interests. Role Description The Information and Referral Officer and Paralegal will...

NDIS Appeals Advocate

About the Role QAI has received one- off time limited funding to provide additional advocacy support for the independent expert review program being trialled with respect to NDIS Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) appeals. We are looking for expressions of interest...

Justice Support Advocate

Role Description The role of the Advocate is to deliver individual advocacy support to Queenslanders with impaired capacity involved in the criminal justice system. Under the supervision and direction of the Principal Solicitor and other Senior QAI staff as required,...