When you Disagree with an NDIA Decision

When you Disagree with an NDIA Decision

This fact sheet includes information about the process of reviews and people available to support you through the process when you disagree with a decision made by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF...
Mainstream Programs

Mainstream Programs

Find out what other Government funded programs you might be eligible for. Remember, the Local Area Coordinator can help you link-in with these supports. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word version of fact sheet...
NDIS Access

NDIS Access

Understand how to apply for NDIS and options for challenging decisions you are not happy with. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of flowchart...
NDIS Access

NDIS External Appeals

This flowchart guides you through the process of applying to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review of an internal review decision of the NDIA. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet...