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QUT and QAI publish paper showing disability is common factor among students being suspended
A new research paper, co-authored by researchers from the QUT Centre for Inclusive Education (C4IE) Professor Linda Graham and Dr Callula Killinlgy, and Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI), has found more evidence of Queensland students from priority equity groups...
Briefing paper for NDIS Review panel
On the 2nd March 2023, representatives from Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI), Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service, Darwin Community Legal Service and Rights Information and Advocacy Centre (RIAC) met with the NDIS Review panel. They provided a...
Implementing OPCAT in Queensland
The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) is a unique opportunity to strengthen oversight for all sites of detention in Queensland, particularly disability-specific and...
Analysis of NDIS appeals report
QAI was commissioned by the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DSDSATSIP) to undertake an analysis of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan reviews to identify trends and potential lessons for...
QAI and ATSILS call for inquiry into school disciplinary absences
Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) and The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) Limited (ATSILS) are publicly calling upon the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner to conduct an inquiry into the use of school disciplinary absences in...
Is it just my child? The use of School Disciplinary Absences in Queensland State Schools
Over the years, QAI has developed significant concern regarding the extent to which some students, particularly students with disability, receive School Disciplinary Absences (SDAs). SDAs include suspension, exclusion and the cancellation of enrolment following...
Position Statement – Inclusion
QAI's Position Statement on Inclusion. You can view the statement at the links below: PDF POSITION STATEMENT WORD POSITION STATEMENT
Position Statement – Barriers to Inclusion
Disability Action Week Every September, Disability Action Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the significant contributions of people with disability in our community. It is also a chance to stop and reflect on how inclusive our community is. An inclusive...
Position Statement – January 26
QAI's Position Statement on January 26 as a national public holiday. You can view the statement at the links below: PDF version of statement Word version of statement
Restrictive Practices – Research Paper
In November 2020, QAI published an updated version of its research paper, "Conclusions on the use of Restrictive Practices for people with an intellectual or cognitive impairment: How to return respect and control to marginalised people." Access the paper here:...
Position Statement – Supported Independent Living
QAI's Position Statement on Supported Independent Living (SIL). You can view the statement at the links below: PDF version of statement Word version of statement
Walk the Talk Report
The final report from QAI's forum Walk the Talk: Realising the 2010-2020 National Disability Strategy and our human rights promises. You can view the report at the links below: PDF version of report Word version of report
Position Statement – Forensic Disability Service
QAI's Position Statement on the Forensic Disability Service in Queensland. Shining light on a closed system through an examination of forensic disability orders for persons with an intellectual or cognitive disability. You can view the statement at the links below:...
Queensland’s Forensic Disability Service
"The Queensland Forensic Disability Service: Shining light on a closed system through an examination of forensic disability orders for persons with an intellectual or cognitive disability" Read QAI's research paper here: QAI Research Paper on FDS (2015)
Position Statement – Restrictive Practices
QAI's Position Statement Regarding the use of Restrictive Practices on People with Disability. You can view the statement at the links below: PDF version of statement Word version of statement
Disabled Justice – Reforms to Justice Report
QAI Report dis-Abled Justice: Reforms to Justice for Persons with Disability in Queensland You can view the report at the links below: PDF version of report Word version of report
Disabled Justice – Barriers to Justice Report
QAI Report Dis-abled Justice: Barriers to Justice for Persons with Disability in Queensland You can view the report at the links below: PDF version of report Word version of report