Disability Action Week
Every September, Disability Action Week provides an opportunity to celebrate the significant contributions of people with disability in our community.
It is also a chance to stop and reflect on how inclusive our community is.
An inclusive society is where people with disability enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is where people with disability have equal access to the things that others take for granted, such as a home, a job, access to healthcare and education. It is where people with disability are respected, feel valued and exercise autonomy over their own lives.
Despite progress being made, QAI continues to bear witness to the many barriers in our community that prevent people with disability from being included.
This year, QAI marks Disability Action Week by releasing a new position statement; the “Barriers to the inclusion of people with disability”.
Behind many of the barriers lie paternalistic attitudes and negative stereotypes of people with disability. QAI CEO, Matilda Alexander, says that “Critical to changing attitudes is ensuring greater visibility of people with disability in our community, and seeing disability as a normal part of our shared humanity.”
If we are to achieve a society that is not just physically but ideologically inclusive of people of all abilities, we must normalise disability by removing policies of segregation.
You can view the statement at the links below: