
Find help

Other places to find help


If you need help with something that our services do not cover, or if we do not have the capacity to assist you when you need it, you can try contacting the organisations listed below to find the help you need.

Find a lawyer


Community Legal Centres Queensland

If you need free legal help, you can find your local community legal centre on the Community Legal Centres Queensland (CLCQ) website. You can also search for a centre based on the area of law you need help with.



Legal Aid Queensland

Legal Aid also provides free legal help, you can find a list of the legal problems they can help with on their website. You can also call them to talk to someone about what you need.

Phone: 1300 65 11 88


Queensland Law Society

If you need legal help but can not get the assistance you need from a community legal centre or Legal Aid, you can contact the Queensland Law Society for help finding a private solicitor or no win no fee law firm that specialises in the area of law you need.

Phone: 1300 367 757

Find a disability advocate

Disability Advocacy Pathways (Pathways)

If you need help from an individual disability advocate, you can find your local advocacy organisation on the Pathways website in the ‘Find Your Service Area’ section at the bottom of the Contact Us page. They can also help find and connect you to the support you need if you give them a call.

Phone: 1800 130 582

Other supports and services


If you need another kind of support or service, you can try the below referral services.

Disability Advocacy Pathways (Pathways)

If you call the Pathways helpline, they can help you find and contact the right services for what you need. They help people with disability as well as their family, friends and support workers. You can also find services in the Resources section of the Pathways website.

Phone: 1800 130 582


Ask Izzy

Ask Izzy is a website that can direct you to crisis and other services in your area. You can search for services that cover things like housing, money, food, health, domestic and family violence, couselling and much more.



Disability Gateway

The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia. Their website covers a range of areas of life including money, employment, transport, everyday living, and education. Or you can call them to speak with someone who can help you find the service you need.

Phone: 1800 643 787

Get in touch with us

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, contact us on (07) 3844 4200 or or use the form below to send us a message.

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