Changing systems
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Using the HRA to Protect the Rights of Students
Emma Phillips, Principal Solicitor, and Nikki Parker, Education Advocate, gave a presentation to Community Resource Unit on how to use the Human Rights Act to protect the rights of students with disability. You can view the presentation slides from the links below:...
Disability Advocacy and Human Rights
Emma Phillips, QAI Principal Solicitor, gave a presentation on Disability Advocacy and Human Rights, to Bond students. You can view the presentaiton slides at the link below: PDF version of slides
Righting inhuman wrongs
Emma Phillips, QAI Principal Solicitor, gave a presentation on Righting inhuman wrongs – How the new Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) can assist clients with disability and mental illness, to the Australian Lawyer's Alliance. You can view the presentaiton slides at the...
Using the Human Rights Act to help clients with a disability
Emma Phillips gave a presentation to Community Legal Centres Queensland on how to use the Human Rights Act to advocate for clients with a disability. You can view the presentation slides from the links below: PDF version of slides PowerPoint version of slides
QAI at the UN Conference of States Parties
See Emma Phillips, QAI senior lawyer and systems advocate, speak at the 12th Session of the Conference of State Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability. First presentation - at the Civil Society Forum about the rights of children with...