

Past listings

NDIS Supports list

QAI and QIDAN (the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network) made a joint submission to the Department of Social Servicest regarding the draft list of NDIS Supports. The list of items participants cannot use their funding for is overly prescriptive, will...

Government response to Disability Royal Commission

On Wednesday 31st July 2024, ten months after the publication of the Disability Royal Commission's final report, the Federal and State Governments issued their response to the Disability Royal Commission's 222 recommendations. QAI's CEO, Matilda Alexander, attended a...

Economic costs of suspending students with disability from school

As part of our role leading the A Right to Learn campaign, QAI commissioned an analysis of the economic impacts of suspending students with disability from school. Our key findings were: In 2023, Queensland disabled students were denied over 107,000 days of education...

UQ Report on People with Disability in Justice System

You may have seen The Guardian article "Queensland failed to act on report into ‘devastating’ experiences of people with disability in justice system". We have received a copy of the report "Insights from people with lived experience of disability in the justice...

Easy English for financial administration orders

These fact sheets are Easy English. They are for you if a person makes money choices for you you want to change who it is you want to make your own money choices Click or tap the links below to open the fact sheets.   What is QCAT? - PDF What is QCAT? - Word A...

Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill (second submission)

QAI made a second submission on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024 when it returned to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee in July 2024. The Committee was asked to review several amendments...

Human Rights Act review

QAI made a submission to Professor Susan Rimmer in June 2024 regarding the independent review of the Queensland Human Rights Act. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (429 KB) Submission - Word (409 KB)  

Respect at Work Bill 2024

QAI made a submission to the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee on 26 June 2024 regarding the Respect At Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024 (Stage 1 of Building Belonging Reforms). You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (637 KB)...

Open letter on anti-discrimination laws

We have joined with Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) to write an open letter to the Queensland Premier, Stephen Miles. The letter urges the Queensland Government to introduce changes to the outdated Anti-Discrimination Act before the election later this...

Supported accommodation inquiry recommendations

QAI and Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) have produced a user-friendly summary report of the Community Support and Services Committee's Report No 44, 57th Parliament. This report followed the inquiry into the provision and regulation of supported...

Public Trustee fee reform

QAI made a submission to the Public Trustee of Queensland in May 2024 regarding the proposed reform of the fees and charges for their key services. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (299 KB) Submission - Word (351 KB)  

Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill

QAI made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee regarding the proposed National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024. QAI's submission made the following key recommendations: 1. The Federal...

How we can help

If you have an administrator appointed to make financial decisions for you, like the Public Trustee, this fact sheet is for you. It talks about how we can help and what you can expect when you ask for our help. You can read the fact sheet at the link below: How we can...

Talking to your administrator

If you have an administrator appointed to make financial decisions for you, like the Public Trustee, this fact sheet is for you. It talks about tips on how to talk with your administrator and have a good working relationship with them. You can read the fact sheet at...

How to prove you have capacity

If you have an administrator appointed to make financial decisions for you, like the Public Trustee, and you would like to either change who your administrator is, or have them removed, this fact sheet is for you. It talks about what you can do to prove you have...

Make renting fair

QAI made a submission to the Housing, Big Build and Manuifacturing Committee on 9 April 2024 regarding the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (176 KB)...

Anti-Discrimination Bill

QAI made a submission to the Department of Justice and Attorney General on 28 March 2024 regarding the proposed Anti-Discromination Bill 2024. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (450 KB) Submission - Word (354 KB)  

Education Amendment Bill

QAI made a submission to the Education, Employment, Training and Skills Committee on 25 March 2024 regarding the proposed Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. Our submission made 29 key recommendations, which you can read in the...

Commentary on Child Safety’s Policies

While we do not practice law in the area of child protection, through the course of our disability advocacy work in child protection matters, we noticed that the guidance relied on for decision making in child protection matters is discriminatory and is likely...

Youth Justice Reform

QAI made two submissions to the inquiry into ongoing reforms to the youth justice system. The inquiry is overseen by the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee. Our submissions focus on the overrepresentation of children with disability in the youth justice system....

Remove section 216 from Queensland’s Criminal Code

QAI wrote a joint submission with Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) and WWILD on the need to remove section 216 of Queensland's Criminal Code. The submission was sent to the parliamentary committee considering the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and...

Inquiry into Supported Accommodation in Queensland

QAI made a submission to the inquiry into the provision and regulation of supported accommodation in Queensland. In theory, hostels and boarding houses can provide a useful, short-term accommodation option for people with and without disability in Queensland. However,...

Steps to financial control

If you have an administrator appointed to make financial decisions for you, like the Public Trustee, and you would like to either change who your administrator is, or have them removed, this fact sheet is for you. It talks about what options you have and what steps...

Supported Decision-Making publication

We made a submission to the Office of the Public Guardian on their Supported Decison-Making publication. In our submission we discuss why supported decision-making is important and our approach to it as an organsation, as well as some client stories of supported...

Education Funding

We made a submission to the Education, Employment and Training Committee on the Education (General Provisions) (Helping families with school costs) Amendment Bill 2023. The right to education for students with disability has long been a focus of QAI’s systemic...

New logo – same QAI

We are thrilled to finally unveil our new brand identity! The branding was launched last night at our AGM, after an extensive process to develop a new logo for our 36-year-old organisation - a transformation that embodies our commitment to systemic reform and the...

Disability Royal Commission’s call to end special schools

Our CEO, Matilda Alexander, spoke to the ABC on Friday 6th October about the Disability Royal Commission's recommendation to phase out special schools. Matilda explains what this would look like: “We’re not talking about kids who are currently happy and stable within...

Queensland’s Residential Care Review

QAI made a submission to the review of Queensland's Residential Care system. We made the following recommendations: De-institutionalise young people and update Departmental policies and procedures to align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons...