Changing systems
Systems advocacy
Systems advocacy is primarily concerned with influencing and changing the system (legislation, policy, and practices) in ways that will benefit people with a disability as a group within society. Systems advocates encourage changes to the law, government and service policies and community attitudes.
QAI was established as a systems advocacy organisation and has been engaged in this advocacy for over thirty years, advocating for change through attitudinal, law and policy reform campaigns. QAI has also supported the development of a range of advocacy initiatives in Queensland, for example, Queensland Parents for People with Disability (QPPD) and Queensland Collective for Inclusive Education (QCIE).
Our understanding of systemic issues is guided by the wisdom and lived experience of our board, a majority of whom are persons with disability. It is also shaped by our extensive experience providing support on a range of key issues within our individual advocacy services.
Internationally, QAI has accredited Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) status with the United Nations. This enables our active participation in advocacy on an international level, such as attending the annual Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). We also support other organisations and people with disability to engage through our ECOSOC status as well.
Our systems work
Follow the links to see our systems advocacy work.
Tell us your concerns
Fill in your details below to send our systems team your views on what matters.
* Whilst we cannot initiate systemic action in response to all issues, hearing the views of people with lived experience of disability is essential to our work. It helps to inform our understanding of the key barriers to inclusion that continue to exist for people with disability in Queensland.