

Media releases

Older media releases

Supported Decision-Making: Helping people to make their own decisions

To celebrate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD), QAI and ADA Law are launching a new guide on Supported Decision-Making. Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) states that people with disability have a right to be supported...

Stop Youth Crime – Get Smarter, Not Tougher

In December 2022, the Queensland Government announced a ten-point plan to "make tough laws even tougher" in response to a perceived increase in violent youth crime. In response, QAI has signed an Open Letter with our allies, urging the Queensland Parliament to...

Implementing OPCAT in Queensland

The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) is a unique opportunity to strengthen oversight for all sites of detention in Queensland, particularly disability-specific and...

Qld children denied equal access to education

Friday 25 November 2022 While the majority of Queensland school children are coming to the end of another school year, a significant number of students have been denied access to this most basic of human rights. Earlier this year, Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion...

Response to DRC Chair Statement on Inclusive Education

While the Australian Civil Society Delegation is in New York attending the 15th Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the opening statement from Public Hearing 24 on inclusive education has been...

QAI and ATSILS call for inquiry into school disciplinary absences

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) and The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) Limited (ATSILS) are publicly calling upon the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner to conduct an inquiry into the use of school disciplinary absences in...

QAI supports new National Disability Strategy

New Australian Disability Strategy Welcomed By Leading Disability Representative Organisations Alongside Australia’s peak disability representative organisations, QAI supports the new Australian Disability Strategy 2021–2031 which was released today by the Australian...

QAI Joins Disability Coalition Open Letter on Vaccine Rollout

Queensland Advocacy Inc. is part of a coalition of more than 60 disability organisations which is calling on all Australian governments to take immediate action to protect people with disability from the Delta variant of COVID-19. The coalition, lead by People With...

Stand with Us! Call to Rally

17 March 2021 Dear QAI members and supporters, We write to you today asking you to Stand with us! as we fight to secure ongoing funding for disability advocacy services in Queensland. QAI joins a partnership of independent disability advocacy organisations to form...

QAI Joins Calls for the State Government to Stand with us!

9 March 2021 For immediate release Queenslanders with disability could be left out – call on state government to Stand with us! QAI joins our allies in disability advocacy in calling on the state government to continue funding for essential advocacy services, with...

Announcing our new CEO

3 March 2021 For immediate release Announcing our new CEO Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) is very pleased to announce the appointment of our new CEO, Matilda Alexander. Matilda is an award-winning human rights lawyer with a solid background in successfully...

Stop Independent Assessments

24 February 2020 For immediate release #StopIndependentAssessments QAI is seriously concerned about the proposed introduction of mandatory Independent Assessments into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Under proposed changes, people with disability will...

QAI Calls for More Creativity in the National Disability Strategy

2 November 2020 For immediate release  Thinking outside the box: QAI calls for more creativity under the new National Disability Strategy  QAI has called for stronger measures to ensure all Australians with disability live as equal members of society under the new...

QAI Warns Against Independent Assessments in the NDIS

15 October 2020 For immediate release Time to Assess the Assessors: QAI warns against Independent Assessors in the NDIS QAI and its allies in the disability sector have today raised grave concern over the proposed introduction of Independent Assessments in the...

#MakeItSafeToSpeak Calls for Confidentiality for the DRC

13 October 2020 For immediate release  #MakeItSafeToSpeak: QAI calls for legislation to protect confidentiality at the Disability Royal Commission QAI stands with Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPOA) and urges the government to pass legislation to protect...

QAI first to opt-in to be bound by Human Rights Act 2019

6 October 2020 For immediate release Turning words into action: QAI has elected to be bound by the Human Rights Act 2019 QAI is excited to announce it has been declared a ‘public entity’ for the purpose of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) (HRA)!  The passage of...

Disability Action Week 2020

17 September 2020For immediate release  During Disability Action Week, QAI is supporting people with disability to take their own actions! Leading disability advocacy organisation and community legal centre Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) considers Disability...

Implementing OPCAT in Australia

30 June 2020 For immediate release Independent oversight of detention particularly critical as impact of COVID continues to be felt by the most vulnerable people with disability Leading disability advocacy organisation and community legal centre Queensland Advocacy...

Commitment of Continued Advocacy Funding Welcomed by QAI

19 May 2020 For immediate release Commitment of continued advocacy funding welcomed by QAI Leading disability advocacy organisation and community legal centre Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) has welcomed the allocation of further funding by the Queensland...

QAI in the media

Media enquiries

All media enquiries can be directed to Matilda Alexander, CEO on 07 3844 4200, by email at or the contact form below.

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