15 October 2020
For immediate release
Time to Assess the Assessors: QAI warns against Independent Assessors in the NDIS
QAI and its allies in the disability sector have today raised grave concern over the proposed introduction of Independent Assessments in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from early 2021.
QAI has written an open letter to the NDIS Minister, The Hon Stuart Robert MP, calling for an urgent halt on plans to introduce Independent Assessments to the Scheme and has urged for further consultation with the disability community before any more announcements are made.
“The introduction of mandatory Independent Assessments takes away a person’s choice and control and goes against the very objectives of the NDIS”, QAI Director Michelle O’Flynn said today.
“Forcing people with disability to endure repeated and unnecessary assessments by assessors who have not been chosen by the participant or who may not possess the required specialist knowledge regarding a person’s disability, is degrading to people with disability and must not be allowed.”
Read our Open Letter to the NDIS Minister at the links below:
QAI thanks its allies who endorsed the letter:
- Advocacy For Inclusion
- Disability Advocacy Victoria Inc
- Disability Justice Australia Inc
- Independent Advocacy NQ
- People with Disability Australia
- Queensland Collective for Inclusive Education
- Queenslanders with Disability Network
- Rights In Action
- Speaking Up For You
- Villamanta Disability Rights Legal Service Inc
- Your Rights, Your Voice
Media contact: Michelle O’Flynn, Director, QAI
Phone: 0481 381 528