Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) has resolved to support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and a constitutionally enshrined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.
QAI’s position was decided after First Nations management committee and staff members were asked whether QAI should support the Yes campaign or remain neutral.
Our position reflects our core values of inclusion, diversity, self-determination, social justice and integrity. We are focused on centering the voices of people with lived experience when it comes to making decisions about issues that affect them. QAI supports the self-determination of First Nations peoples and celebrates the strength and wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.
As disability advocates, QAI understands the need for information to be accessible and available for people with disability to participate equally in the referendum on 14 October. QAI is committed to sharing factual information and resources that will support people with a disability to make an informed decision.
QAI understands there may be different views in the broader community and that some people may still be undecided on how to vote. QAI acknowledges the right of individuals to form their own view on this national issue and vote according to their beliefs and values. We encourage everyone to consider the facts when making their decision. QAI wishes to share the information we used to inform our decision, as well as some resources that may help others make their own decision. You can find these linked below.

Helpful resources
This list of useful resources covers things like what the Voice is, why it is important, what you will be voting for on 14 October 2023, ways you can get involved, as well as some historical and educational information.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart
The Uluru Statement from the Heart is where the idea of the Voice came from. The website has video, text and audio versions of the full statement, as well as some other great information on it’s background and history. Follow the link below to the statement, and then explore the rest of the website which includes information on the Voice specifically, as well as some history and educational resources.
Referendum question and constitutional amendment
Details from the Australian Government on the actual wording of the question and the constitutional amendment we will all vote on.
Principles of the Voice
Details from the Australian Government on how the Voice will work and the principles behind it.
Official referendum booklet
The official referendum booklet provided by the Australian Electoral Commission which has both the Yes and the No arguments and a guide on the vote itself.
Yes23 campaign
The Yes23 website has a lot of great information on the Voice itself, as well as events, resources like posters and social media tiles and ways to get involved or volunteer with the campaign.
First Peoples with Disability Network (FPDN)
FPDN have information on the Voice, the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and the National Voice Disability Advisory Group that would ensure the Voice has the perspectives of First Nations people with disability.
Have Your Say
Have Your Say, run by FPDN, have an Easy Read version of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, as well as answering a number of frequently asked questions.
Council for Intellectual Disability (CID)
CID have created an Easy Read fact sheet to explain what the Voice is, why it is important and how the vote will happen.
Life Without Barriers
Life Without Barriers answer some frequently asked questions about the Voice. They have also translated a social media toolkit, video and other resources into 45 languages so culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians can easily learn and share information about the Voice.
Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
The AHRC has developed an educational resources kit that looks at the Voice and the Uluru Statement from the Heart through a human rights lens, which it hopes will help to minimise harm for First Nations peoples during the referendum campaigns.