We made a submission to the Education, Employment and Training Committee on the Education (General Provisions) (Helping families with school costs) Amendment Bill 2023.
The right to education for students with disability has long been a focus of QAI’s systemic advocacy. Having witnessed the experiences of our clients and many families within our community over the years, QAI is deeply concerned about the extent to which some students with disability are being denied their right to an inclusive education. Practices such as gatekeeping, the overuse of school disciplinary absences, the use of Restrictive Practices and a lack of access to reasonable adjustments are routinely denying students with disability their right to access education on an equal basis with others.
These issues arise due to various reasons, including the culture of the school and the extent to which its leadership team values and prioritises inclusive education, as well as the level of funding and support state schools receive to provide reasonable adjustments to their students with disability.
The need for more funding in Queensland state schools is also very timely, with the final report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability making several recommendations regarding inclusive education that will require increased resourcing to fully implement.
QAI’s submission discusses some of the consequences of inadequately funding state schools for students with disability, suggests some programs that need funding and concludes with some feedback on the drafting of the Bill.
Read our submission here: