Complaints & reporting abuse
Complaints about QAI
Make a complaint directly to QAI
You can make a complaint about any of our services or staff using the online complaint form linked below.
Alternatively, you can direct any questions, concerns or complaints to:
Phone: 07 3844 4200
Fax: 07 3844 4220
Post: Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion, PO Box 3384, South Brisbane Qld 4101
We will respond within a reasonable period of time to acknowledge your complaint and advise the next steps which will be taken.
You can read our full complaints policy here (Word doc 484 KB).
Complaints Resolution and Referral Service (CRRS)
You may also make an external complaint to the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service on 1800 880 052 or use their online complaints form.
The CRRS is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), excluding Australian national public holidays.
Office of the Information Commissioner
If you want to make an external complaint regarding the privacy of your information and QAI’s privacy policy, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
Phone: 1300 363 992
Fax: 02 9284 9666
Post: PO Box 5218, Sydney NSW 2001
Reporting abuse and neglect
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
To report abuse and neglect of people with disability, you can contact the National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline on 1800 880 052 or send an email to
The Hotline is not a crisis service. In case of life threatening situations call 000 for attendance by Ambulance, Fire or Police services. If you think a crime has been committed or is being committed, contact your local police.
Office of the Public Guardian
You can also report abuse of someone with impaired decision making capacity to the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG).
To report abuse contact the OPG on 1300 653 187 or submit an online form.
Anyone can report abuse to the OPG, including family, friends, support workers, neighbours and institutions such as banks, health and aged care workers.
If you think an adult is at immediate risk of harm, call 000.
Get in touch with us
If you have any questions or would like to find out more, contact us on (07) 3844 4200 or or use the form below to send us a message.