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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan volutpat nibh, iaculis aliquet ipsum congue pellentesque. Aenean odio odio, aliquet id orci a, molestie ultricies mi. Praesent ac nisl augue. Aenean a euismod magna, at iaculis tortor. Donec id nisl fermentum, hendrerit ex a, mollis purus. In varius, mauris ut tincidunt sollicitudin, quam risus interdum lacus, in molestie est augue vitae felis. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean molestie elit nec justo aliquet, nec tincidunt eros interdum.

A matter includes:

  • List 1
  • List 2
  • List 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan volutpat nibh, iaculis aliquet ipsum congue pellentesq


A matter includes:

  • List 1
  • List 2
  • List 3

“Auctor mi sit netus sed ornare arcu vestibulum ut. Augue diam suspendisse egestas cursus varius scelerisque. Adipiscing suspendisse cras facilisi placerat justo, eu neque integer nec.”

Jane Cooper


“Auctor mi sit netus sed ornare arcu vestibulum ut. Augue diam suspendisse egestas cursus varius scelerisque. Adipiscing suspendisse cras facilisi placerat justo, eu neque integer nec.”

Jane Cooper


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Absent without permission 

This factsheet is about what happens if a patient runs away from a Queensland mental health service and stays within Queensland. People who run away interstate will be subject to the corresponding laws of that state, which may or may not allow for their apprehension and return to Queensland.

Absent without permission

This factsheet is about what happens if a patient runs away from a Queensland mental health service and stays within Queensland. People who run away interstate will be subject to the corresponding laws of that state, which may or may not allow for their apprehension and return to Queensland.


Heading 3

This factsheet is about what happens if a patient runs away from a Queensland mental health service and stays within Queensland. Peopl

Image caption can go here if required


Naomi is a 10 year old girl who lives with her family who run a cattle property in rural Queensland.

This factsheet is about what happens if a patient runs away from a Queensland mental health service and stays within Queensland. People who run away interstate will be subject to the corresponding laws of that state, which may or may not allow for their apprehension and return to Queensland.

Absent without permission

This factsheet is about what happens if a patient runs away from a Queensland mental health service and stays within Queensland. People who run away interstate will be subject to the corresponding laws of that state, which may or may not allow for their apprehension and return to Queensland.

Get in touch with us

We are an independent, community-based systems and legal advocacy organisation for people with disability in Queensland, Australia.