About us
Make a donation
Queensland Advocacy relies on public donations, bequests and fundraising activities to maintain our commitment to improving the lives of people with disability.
Your tax deductible donation will mean we can continue to advocate for the protection and advancement of the needs, rights, and lives of people with disability in Queensland.
All donations to Queensland Advocacy over $2 are tax deductible.
Donate online:
Through GiveNow
Cheques or money orders:
Please make payable to “Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion”
Direct deposit:
Please call and speak to our friendly reception staff on 07 3844 4200
Workplace giving
Workplace Giving Programs allows employees to make donations to a group of charities out of their regular pay.
Participation by employees is completely voluntary. Employees who decide to participate have the ability to choose to donate to one or more of the group of charities in their program.
Workplace giving programs provide a unique set of benefits for the community:
- For charitable organisations, workplace giving provides long term, stable funding for core programs. This funding requires little or no administrative cost – no receipts, no cost of attracting donors, targeted communications. Workplace giving can also provide access to the skills and volunteer time of employees.
- For employees, workplace giving enables affordable giving, through a transparent and trustworthy program, with no reduction in impact through costly fundraising. Employees are able to make donations in an efficient and tax-effective manner, eliminating the need to collect receipts or wait until the end of the year to claim a tax refund.
- For employers, workplace giving can provide a low cost, administratively simple way to create community-business partnerships and build employee morale, through mobilising significant funding and through volunteer involvement.
If you would like to set up workplace giving in your workplace please contact our office manager on 07 3844 4200 or at qai@qai.org.au
For further information about Workplace Giving please visit https://workplacegivingaustralia.org.au/
Friends of Queensland Advocacy
The Friends of Queensland Advocacy is a group of people drawn from the professions, business and the wider community, who are committed to supporting the work of Queensland Advocacy as it promotes, protects and defends the fundamental needs and rights of the most vulnerable people with disability in Queensland. Friends of Queensland Advocacy does this by assisting Queensland Advocacy to diversify its funding sources to maintain its integrity as a systems and legal advocate.
Join Friends of Queensland Advocacy
Membership of the Friends of Queensland Advocacy is by payment of the annual membership fee, the amount of which is determined annually by the Annual Fund Committee in consulation with Queensland Advocacy management committee.
The membership fees are:
- Corporate members: $1000
- Individual members: up to $500
- Young individual members: $50 (those under 30 years of age).
Membership fees and any other money raised by or from the Friends of Queensland Advocacy, for example donations given at Friends of Queensland Advocacy fundraising events, will be used in accordance with direction from the Queensland Advocacy Management Committee to provide financial support and assistance to Queensland Advocacy in carrying out its advocacy functions and will be used solely to promote the objects and values to Queensland Advocacy as set out in its Rules of Association.