
What we cannot help with

Outside our scope

While our services assist people with disabilities across a range of issues, there are some problems we cannot assist with because they fall outside the scope of our servicesfunding or catchment area. 

Things we cannot assist with include: 

  • Advice for family members of a person with mental illness 
  • Advice or representation about the interests of a carer or guardian 
  • Advice for parents or guardians dealing with child protection/safety 
  • Centrelink or employment services 
  • Child protection/safety law
  • Consumer law 
  • Commercial and financial matters 
  • Criminal law representation or legal advice 
  • Domestic violence 
  • Employment law 
  • Family law 
  • General individual advocacy 
  • Homelessness and housing 
  • Insurance or compensation claims 
  • Personal injury, including medical negligence 
  • NDIS applications
  • NDIS planning
  • NDIS scheduled or change of circumstance reviews
  • Neighbour disputes 
  • Prison and parole 
  • Property issues 
  • Tenancy issues 
  • Wills and estates 

Areas our services do not cover include: 

  • People living outside of Queensland 
  • People living in Queensland who are dealing with a matter in another state or territory 

Find help

If you need help with something listed above, or if we do not have the capacity to help when you need it, check our ‘Other places to find help’ page.

Get in touch with us

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, contact us on (07) 3844 4200 or or use the form below to send us a message.

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