About us
Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) is an independent, community-based systems and legal advocacy organisation for people with disability. QAI’s mission is to promote, protect and defend, through advocacy, the fundamental needs, rights and lives of the most vulnerable people with disability in Queensland.
The organisation does this by engaging in systemic advocacy through campaigns directed at attitudinal, law and policy change, and by supporting the development of a range of advocacy initiatives in this State, in addition to individual legal and non-legal advocacy, provided through three advocacy practices.
As QAI is a social advocacy organisation, it works to uphold the principles of fundamental human rights, social justice and inclusion in community life.
Role Description
The Information Systems Coordinator will be responsible for the ongoing evaluation, development and management of QAI’s data and information management systems and information technology resources.
The role will involve developing internal systems around the gathering, verification, retention, archiving and destruction of data including sensitive client information and the integration of those systems with our requirements to record and report data through external data recording and reporting systems. (Currently CLASS and DEX).
The Information Systems Coordinator will also play a key role in evaluating and managing risk issues around data and information systems.
The position will also have a focus on designing internal templates and systems to ensure a consistency of communication between QAI and its stakeholders and will lead the organisation (in conjunction with external IT support services) through a process of implementing Office 365 resources to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of QAI’s operations.
The position will also manage QAI’s physical IT and software resources in conjunction with external IT support services and be responsible for leading staff with varying levels of IT knowledge through the implementation of new systems.
Key Position Responsibilities and Accountabilities
- Designing and implementing appropriate information systems, templates and processes that will enable QAI to efficiently and effectively maintain consistent data and communication standards to facilitate the meeting of our information and data management needs.
- Designing and implementing systems and safeguards that ensure the integrity, consistency and reliability of reportable data across a range of funded programs.
- Designing and implementing systems that will provide a comprehensive overview of clientele and the assistance services delivered to enable QAI to make data informed planning decisions.
- Designing and implementing information procedures and processes that facilitate the efficient and effective integration of QAI’s internal data management with external data recording and reporting systems with particular emphasis on the Community Legal Assistance Services System (CLASS) and the Department of Social Services Data Exchange System (DEX).
- In conjunction with external IT support services, managing QAI’s current program of developing and implementing systems through the utilisation of the Office 365 suite and in particular SharePoint to meet our ongoing systems and data management needs.
- Identifying current and potential risks around information technology and data systems and developing appropriate programs to manage and mitigate those risks.
- Planning and managing systems and protocols for the appropriate retention, archiving or deletion of physical and electronic information.
- Scoping the future technology and information systems needs of QAI and participating in management decision making around the allocation of resources to meet those needs.
- Evaluating information systems and fostering a culture of continuous improvement that is inclusive of staff with varying levels of IT understanding and expertise.
- Facilitating the preparation and deployment of IT assets and systems access to staff.
- Troubleshooting and liaise between staff and external IT supports around individual staff IT issues.
- Maintaining the IT equipment and software licensing registers in conjunction with external IT supports.
Selection Criteria
- Strong commitment to human rights, social justice and diversity.
- Proven experience in evaluating and managing information systems and infrastructure.
- Proven experience in developing information and communication strategies that deliver on organisational need.
- Previous experience managing data systems with a focus on data consistency and integrity.
- Previous experience managing and responding to risk in relation to data and information systems and an awareness of current issues and trends in the area.
- Excellent communication skills and the ability to liaise with a wide range of stakeholders including management, staff, external IT support providers and other external organisations such as funding bodies.
- Ability to exercise initiative and judgment within the sphere of work to plan, coordinate, implement and evaluate work in a strategic way.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
- Ability to communicate with and lead staff with varying IT skills and knowledge through organisational change.
- Ability to work collaboratively as part of a team to achieve positive outcomes
- Previous experience with the Community Legal Assistance Services System (CLASS) and the Department of Social Services Data Exchange System (DEX).
- Previous experience managing the implementation of successful Office 365 solutions.
To apply
Please send your CV and a maximum two page cover letter addressing the selection criteria to qai@qai.org.au before 5pm on Monday 23 August 2021.
Please direct any questions to (07) 3844 4200 and/or email qai@qai.org.au using the subject line: Information Systems Coordinator enquiry.