Human Rights Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

Natural Disaster Disability Advocacy


QAI was previously funded to provide legal advice on disability discrimination that happened in relation to natural disasters. In the aftermath of a disaster, discrimination makes life harder and more dangerous for people with disability.

What we did

Our NDDA solicitors assisted people who were impacted by the floods in 2022. Our NDDA solicitors provided specialist advice and assistance on the discriminatory impacts natural disasters have on people with disability in Queensland, mostly around safe and accessible housing and services.

We still provide legal help with disability discrimination through our Human Rights Law service. Information about Disasters, disability and the law can be found in the resources section of this page.

Helpful resources


Here are some useful resources to help people with disability prepare for natural disasters:

  • Natural disasters, disability and the law booklet by QAI helps you understand your rights during a natural disaster.
  • Get ePrepared by Justice Connect has information on how to safely store your important documents electronically so you don’t lose them in a natural disaster.
  • Person-Centred Emergency Preparedness (P-CEP) workbook by Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) helps you plan for how you will access your health and safety supports during a disaster.
  • Disaster legal help page on Legal Aid Queensland’s website has a long list of helpful fact sheets and other resources for people dealing with problems from a natural disaster.

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