Training and events

Professional training

Past listings

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs regarding effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word...

Inclusive Education

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the Education and learning issues paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Priorities for Federal Discrimination Law Reform

QAI made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission regarding proposed reforms to federal discrimination laws. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education Media Release

Media Release by Australian Coalition for Inclusive Education. The right to inclusive education must not be contested by the Disability Royal Commission at the first hearing commencing in Townsville today. Today marks a historic day with the commencement of the first...

The Tune Review 2019

QAI made a submission to David Tune's 2019 Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and the Participant Service Guarantee. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Accessing the NDIS

Understand the access requirements for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, as well as some tips about important supporting documentation. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word version of fact sheet  

What Happens Next: Pre-Planning

All supports that are funded by the NDIS must meet the criteria for reasonable and necessary. This fact sheet will help you understand what the NDIA means by reasonable and necessary as well as consider your goals and all of the supports that you need because of your...

Understanding your Plan

Sometimes the NDIS can feel like a whole new language. This guide aims to help you understand what is in your plan. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word version of fact sheet  

Resources for Employing your Own Staff

This fact sheet brings together some of the resources available for employing and training your own staff. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word version of fact sheet  

Scheduled and Change of Circumstance Reviews

Tips for preparing for your annual plan review and what to do if your circumstances change. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word version of fact sheet  

Tips for Self-Advocacy at the MHRT

This factsheet is to provide guidance for people who will be advocating for themselves at their Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) hearing. It also outlines tips for treatment review meetings and other meetings with your treating team, and where to get more...

When you Disagree with an NDIA Decision

This fact sheet includes information about the process of reviews and people available to support you through the process when you disagree with a decision made by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF...

Mainstream Programs

Find out what other Government funded programs you might be eligible for. Remember, the Local Area Coordinator can help you link-in with these supports. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word version of fact sheet  

Absent without Permission

This factsheet is about what happens if a patient runs away from a Queensland mental health service and stays within Queensland. People who run away interstate will be subject to the corresponding laws of that state, which may or may not allow for their apprehension...

NDIS Access

Understand how to apply for NDIS and options for challenging decisions you are not happy with. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of flowchart  

Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) Flowchart

QAI prepared the following flowchart to help explain how the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) may be used to challenge a breach of human rights from 1 January 2020. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of flowchart

Centrelink’s Compliance Program

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs regarding the inquiry into Centrelink's Compliance Program. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

NDIS External Appeals

This flowchart guides you through the process of applying to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review of an internal review decision of the NDIA. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet  

NDIS Planning

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into planning in the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Adequacy of Newstart Allowance

QAI made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee regarding the inquiry into the adequacy of the Newstart Allowance and other related payments. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

NDIS Thin Markets

QAI made a submission to the Department of Social Services for the NDIS Thin Markets project. Read our full submission via the links below. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Supported Independent Living

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into Supported Independent Living Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Treatment Authorities

A plain English brochure about involuntary treatment for mental illness in Queensland under the Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld). You can read the brochure at the links below: PDF version of brochure Word version of brochure

QAI at the UN Conference of States Parties

See Emma Phillips, QAI senior lawyer and systems advocate, speak at the 12th Session of the Conference of State Parties to the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability. First presentation  - at the Civil Society Forum about the rights of children with...

The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld)

The Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) (the Act) was passed by the Queensland Parliament on 27 February 2019. QAI has put together this fact sheet to explain the basics of this new legislation. You can read the fact sheet at the links below: PDF version of fact sheet Word...

Human Rights Act for children with disabilities and schools

The introduction of the new right to education in the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) has generated significant interest.  For the first time, the human right of every Queensland child to access education is recognised by law.  Many parents, children and educators are...

Fitness to Plea

QAI made a submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute regarding fitness for trial laws. Submission - PDF Submission - Word