QAI made a submission to the Community Support and Services Committee regarding the Public Trustee (Advisory and Monitoring Board) Amendment Bill 2021.

QAI supports the establishment of the Board and its intended functions to monitor and review the performance of the Public Trustee, to monitor complaints and the Public Trustee’s processes for managing complaints, to give written advice or recommendations to the Minister and to the Public Trustee on changes or improvements that will promote the interests of its clients, and to ensure the Public Trustee can effectively perform its functions.

However, QAI considers that further detail regarding the proposed activities of the Board is required in order to ensure it will achieve the level of increased oversight and accountability that is purportedly behind this reform. Further, the establishment of the Board alone is not sufficient to address the numerous issues of concern raised by the Public Advocate’s report. QAI therefore urges the government to continue working towards implementing the remainder of the Public Advocate’s recommendations that fall within the government’s remit.