QAI welcomes the move to decriminalise sex work in Queensland. QAI has consistently raised concern about provisions within Queensland’s Criminal Code that infringe the human rights of people with disability and which arbitrarily limit their right to sexual expression.
In recognition of the right of all people, including people with a disability, to express their sexual identity, and in cognisance of the fact that some sex workers may themselves identify as having a disability, QAI supports the full decriminalisation of the sex work industry in Queensland. This includes repealing sex-work specific legislation and removing any role for the police in regulating consensual sexual activity of Queenslanders, including Queenslanders with a disability.
In the words of the Public Advocate, “Where people retain capacity to consent to participating in a sexual relationship with another person, they should have their right to be recognised as an autonomous and sexual being respected and protected by the law”.
QAI’s submission contributes to the Queensland Law Reform Commission’s inquiry by highlighting the inequitable way in which some of the current laws that regulate sex work inappropriately infringe the fundamental human rights of people with a disability.
Read our submission via the links below.