Training and events

Professional training

Past listings

Imprisonment and Recidivsm Draft Report

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission's inquiry on Imprisonment and Recidivism. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Civil Surveillance and Privacy

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Law Reform Commission regarding the review of Queensland's laws relating to civil surveillance and the protection of privacy in the context of current and emerging technologies. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Opening Doors to Renting Reform

QAI made a submission to the Opening Doors to Rental Reform consultation. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Disability Standards for Accessible Transport

QAI made a submission to the Disability Transport Access Secretariat regarding the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Human Rights Bill 2018

QAI made a submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee regarding the Human Rights Bill 2018. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Reshaping the Disability Services Act 2006

QAI made a submission to the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors regarding reform to the Disability Services Act 2006. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Imprisonment and Recidivism

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission's inquiry into Imprisonment and Recidivism. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Petitioning the Parliament

QAI made a submission to the Petitions Committee regarding the inquiry into the future of petitioning in the House. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Transport Technology

QAI made a submission to the Transport and Public Works Committee regarding the inquiry into Transport Technology. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

OPCAT in Australia – Stage 2

QAI made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission titled 'OPCAT in Australia - Stage 2'. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

My Health Record

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs regarding the inquiry into the My Health Record System. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Intergenerational Welfare Dependence

QAI made a submission to the House of Representatives Select Committee on Intergenerational Welfare Dependence. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Wage Theft in Queensland

QAI made a submission to the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee regarding the inquiry into wage theft in Queensland. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

QAI made a submission to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee regarding the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2018. Submission - PDF Submission - Word...

Police Powers and Responsibilities

QAI made a submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee regarding the review of the Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. Submission - PDF  

Market Readiness for the NDIS

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into market readiness for the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Queesland Rail Exemption from Disability Discrimination Laws

QAI made a submission regarding the Queensland government's application for temporary exemptions to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Standards 2002 on behalf of Queensland Rail. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

General issues around the implementation of the NDIS

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into general implementation issues of the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Mental Health Review Tribunal and Legal Representation

QAI has put together a fact sheet for people under involuntary mental health treatment and who are going before the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT). The fact sheet covers: Do I need a lawyer at my Mental Health Review Tribunal hearing? Has the MHRT appointed a...

Cashless Debit Card

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs regarding the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card) Bill 2017. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

The Justice Project

QAI made a submission to the Law Council of Australia's consultation paper, The Justice Project. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

NDIS Transitional Arrangements

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme regarding transitional arrangements for the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

QAI made two submissions in 2017 on the development of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Submission re Bill - PDF Submission re Bill - Word Submission re framework - PDF Submission re framework - Word

OPCAT in Australia

QAI made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission regarding the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) in Australia. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

NDIS funding

QAI made a number of submissions in 2017 on the proposed funding arrangements for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. NDIS Funding Bill (ELC, Sep 2017) - PDF NDIS Funding Bill (ELC, Sep 2017) - WORD NDIS Costs (Productivity Commission, March 2017) - PDF NDIS...

Walk the Talk: Report and Outcomes from the forum

On Monday 20th March 2017 at the Brisbane Cultural and Convention Centre, a forum including six workshops was held to consider the progress Australia has made and how far we have yet to go in the implementation of the National Disability Strategy as the nation’s...

NDIS Code of Conduct

QAI made a submission to the Department of Social Services on the proposed Code of Conduct for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Submission - PDF Submission - Word