

Past listings

Qld children denied equal access to education

Friday 25 November 2022 While the majority of Queensland school children are coming to the end of another school year, a significant number of students have been denied access to this most basic of human rights. Earlier this year, Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion...

Administration Officer

Role Description The Administration Officer will provide a high standard of information, referral and assessment to clients and organisations contacting QAI.  The Administration Officer is responsible for undertaking a wide range of client and administrative support...

Capability and Culture of the NDIA

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in response to its inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Despite several inquiries into the operation of the...

Yarning Circle

When: Monday 14 November, 11am - 1pmWhere: West End Croquet Club, 91 Cordelia St, Meanjin (South Brisbane) or online via Teams Event Details Byron Albury and Debbi Jones invite all First Nations people with disability to a Yarning Circle next Monday to discuss the...

Children’s Rights and the Right to Education

The Diplomacy Training Program, in partnership with Youth Law Australia and Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, are delivering a series of Child Rights webinars. The webinars cover various aspects of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in discussion...

Young Peoples Advocate

About us Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) is an independent advocacy organisation whose purpose is to advocate for the protection and advancement of the needs, rights and lives of people with disability in Queensland. We do this by engaging in systemic advocacy...

Places of Detention in Queensland

As a result of our work supporting clients in closed environments, QAI holds grave concerns regarding some of the physical and psychological conditions that people deprived of their liberty can endure when detained in certain Queensland-government funded institutions....

Guardianship, Substituted and Supported Decision-Making

QAI welcomes the Disability Royal Commission’s enhanced focus on guardianship, substituted and supported decision-making. While the intent behind guardianship legislation is to protect people with impaired decision-making capacity who are unable to make their own...

Analysis of NDIS appeals report

QAI was commissioned by the Department of Seniors, Disability Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DSDSATSIP) to undertake an analysis of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plan reviews to identify trends and potential lessons for...

Andy successfully transitioned to new school

Andy's story Andy* is a young indigenous student in year eight who had been permanently excluded from his school in North Queensland following an incident of verbal and physical escalation. Andy and his mother felt the incident occurred as a result of a disruption in...

Support Coordinators and the Administrative Appeals Tribunal

A recent decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT), ‘Al Saed and National Disability Insurance Agency’ demonstrates that a NDIS participant may use a support coordinator as either a support person or as an advocate at the AAT. However, caution is still...

Information gathering for access and planning in the NDIS

QAI made a submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in response to their survey on information gathering for access and planning. The submission responds to key questions in the survey that directly pertain to the experiences of participants...

Spirit of Queensland Accessibility Engagement Project

The Spirit of Queensland is a regional rail service providing five return services a week between Brisbane and Cairns. They are seeking participants with a lived experience of disability, carers for people with lived experience of disability and/or advocates from the...

Information and Referral Officer

About us Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) is an independent advocacy organisation whose purpose is to advocate for the protection and advancement of the needs, rights and lives of people with disability in Queensland. We do this by engaging in systemic advocacy...

Disability aware OPCAT monitoring: a COVID imperative

Australian online side event to the 15th CoSP to the CRPD   Event Details Date - 17/16/2022Time - 8:00 am - 9:00 am (AEST)Location - Online People with disability are over-represented in all sites of detention and are at greater risk of experiencing torture and...

Draft Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation

At the 15th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), QAI learned about the CRPD Committee’s Draft Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation, including in emergencies. These guidelines are very welcome...

Response to DRC Chair Statement on Inclusive Education

While the Australian Civil Society Delegation is in New York attending the 15th Conference of States Parties (COSP) to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), the opening statement from Public Hearing 24 on inclusive education has been...

QAI Intervention Statement to the United Nations

QAI made an intervention to the 15th Conference of States Parties (CoSP) General Debate, highlighting our concerns regarding risks to people with disability in closed environments and the inherent inability of closed environments to keep people safe from Covid-19...

New Reconciliation Action Plan

On Wednesday 1 June, during Reconciliation Action Week for 2022, QAI marked the occassion with the release of our new Reconciliation Action Plan for 2022 to 2026, featuring the artwork by Uncle Paul Calcott which we commissioned last year. We look forward to working...

The framework for a decriminalised sex work industry in Queensland

QAI welcomes the move to decriminalise sex work in Queensland. QAI has consistently raised concern about provisions within Queensland’s Criminal Code that infringe the human rights of people with disability and which arbitrarily limit their right to sexual...

Call for Volunteers

About us Pathways, a new service operated by Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI), was created to assist Queenslanders with disability, their families, friends, and carers to find disability advocacy support based on their needs and location, ending the need for...

Appealing an NDIS Internal Review Decision

Don’t agree with your NDIS Internal Review decision? What are the next steps? 1. Lodge appeal If you would like to appeal the decision, you need to apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. The application to the Tribunal must be done within 28 days of the...

Announcing Our Name Change

After 34 years of being known as Queensland Advocacy Incorporated, at last year's Annual General Meeting our Management Committee and members voted to change our name to Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion. We know many are familiar with us by the acronym QAI, which is...

COVID-19, Disability and the Law Resource

With the help of law firm Minter Ellison, we have put together this resource to help people with disability understand their legal rights in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.  You can view the booklet via the link below. PDF version  

Review of Administration & Guardianship Orders

Understand the review process for a Guardianship and Administration Orders made by QCAT.  You can read the fact sheet at the link below: PDF fact sheet Word fact sheet  

Restrictive Practices

Understand what restrictive practices are and when they are used. You can read the fact sheet at the link below: PDF fact sheet Word fact sheet

Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)

Advocating for the right for all people with disability to live a life free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination is core to QAI’s work. QAI welcomed the opportunity to provide a submission to the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC) as...

Public Trustee Complaint

Understand what the process is for making a complaint about the Public Trustee and what the options are if you are unhappy with the outcome of a complaint. You can read the fact sheet at the link below: PDF fact sheet Word fact sheet  

Human Rights Complaint

Understand what human rights are, which ones are protected in Queensland, who you can make a complaint against and what making a complaint can achieve. You can read the fact sheet at the link below: PDF fact sheet Word fact sheet