Training and events

Professional training

Past listings

Restrictive Practices

QAI considers the use of Restrictive Practices as an infringement of the fundamental human rights of people with disability. Despite being cited as necessary to ensure safety, the use of Restrictive Practices often stems from prejudicial and discriminatory attitudes...

Guardianship Law Reforms 2020

Key reforms to Queensland’s guardianship laws take effect on Monday 30th November 2020. They strengthen the protection afforded to Queenslanders with impaired decision-making capacity. To help explain these important reforms, QAI has created a fact sheet outlining the...

The HRA Community Legal Education Showcase

Emma Phillips, Principal Solicitor, gave a presentation at the Community Legal Centres Queensland State Conference on the community legal education QAI does around the Human Rights Act. You can view the presentation slides from the links below: PDF version of slides...

QAI Calls for More Creativity in the National Disability Strategy

2 November 2020 For immediate release  Thinking outside the box: QAI calls for more creativity under the new National Disability Strategy  QAI has called for stronger measures to ensure all Australians with disability live as equal members of society under the new...

Restrictive Practices – Research Paper

In November 2020, QAI published an updated version of its research paper, "Conclusions on the use of Restrictive Practices for people with an intellectual or cognitive impairment: How to return respect and control to marginalised people." Access the paper here:...

National Disability Strategy

QAI contributed towards the development of the new National Disability Strategy by providing a written submission in response to the Department of Social Service’s consultation paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word...

Annual General Meeting 2020

Date - 29/10/2020Time - 6:00 pm - 8:00 pmLocation - Gambaro Room, Common Ground. 15 Hope St, South Brisbane Q 4101 Event Details QAI’s Annual General Meeting is coming up and all QAI members are invited to attend in person or remotely via video link. Spaces for both...

Using the HRA to Protect the Rights of Students

Emma Phillips, Principal Solicitor, and Nikki Parker, Education Advocate, gave a presentation to Community Resource Unit on how to use the Human Rights Act to protect the rights of students with disability. You can view the presentation slides from the links below:...

QAI Warns Against Independent Assessments in the NDIS

15 October 2020 For immediate release Time to Assess the Assessors: QAI warns against Independent Assessors in the NDIS QAI and its allies in the disability sector have today raised grave concern over the proposed introduction of Independent Assessments in the...

#MakeItSafeToSpeak Calls for Confidentiality for the DRC

13 October 2020 For immediate release  #MakeItSafeToSpeak: QAI calls for legislation to protect confidentiality at the Disability Royal Commission QAI stands with Disabled People’s Organisations Australia (DPOA) and urges the government to pass legislation to protect...

Disability Advocacy and Human Rights

Emma Phillips, QAI Principal Solicitor, gave a presentation on Disability Advocacy and Human Rights, to Bond students. You can view the presentaiton slides at the link below: PDF version of slides

QAI first to opt-in to be bound by Human Rights Act 2019

6 October 2020 For immediate release Turning words into action: QAI has elected to be bound by the Human Rights Act 2019 QAI is excited to announce it has been declared a ‘public entity’ for the purpose of the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) (HRA)!  The passage of...

Disability Standards for Education

QAI provided a submission to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education. Drawing upon our extensive experience of working with families who have children with disability in the education setting, we...

Inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s Quality and Safeguards Commission. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of...

Disability Action Week 2020

17 September 2020For immediate release  During Disability Action Week, QAI is supporting people with disability to take their own actions! Leading disability advocacy organisation and community legal centre Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) considers Disability...

Support Coordination

QAI made a submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency in response to the discussion paper on Support Coordination. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Inquiry into the NDIS Market in Queensland

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission’s initial inquiry into the operation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Queensland. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission...

Know Your Human Rights – Booklet

This booklet, Know Your Human Rigths - A Guide to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld), is an easy English guide to the Queensland human rights legislation, which came into effect on 1 January 2020. The booklet covers what human rights are, what human rights are protected...

Worker Screening Amendment Bill 2020

QAI made a submission in response to the Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Implementing OPCAT in Australia

30 June 2020 For immediate release Independent oversight of detention particularly critical as impact of COVID continues to be felt by the most vulnerable people with disability Leading disability advocacy organisation and community legal centre Queensland Advocacy...

Penalties for Assaults on Public Officers

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council’s inquiry into penalties for assaults on public officers. This submission focuses on the following discrete issues: The relevance of the employment of the victim to the perceived gravity, and...

Group Homes

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the Group homes issues paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Emergency Planning and Response

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the Emergency Planning and Response issues paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Commitment of Continued Advocacy Funding Welcomed by QAI

19 May 2020 For immediate release Commitment of continued advocacy funding welcomed by QAI Leading disability advocacy organisation and community legal centre Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) has welcomed the allocation of further funding by the Queensland...

Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions

QAI made a submission to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 in relation to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on people with disability in Queensland. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Australian Human Rights Scorecard Released

Queensland Advocacy is one of over 200 organisations which have co-authored and endorsed the Australian Human Rights Scorecard, which was published today by the Human Rights Law Centre, Kingsford Legal Centre and Caxton Legal Centre.  The report was prepared ahead of...

Inquiry into NDIS Workforce

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s (NDIS) inquiry into the NDIS Workforce. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Righting inhuman wrongs

Emma Phillips, QAI Principal Solicitor, gave a presentation on Righting inhuman wrongs – How the new Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) can assist clients with disability and mental illness, to the Australian Lawyer's Alliance. You can view the presentaiton slides at the...

Using the Human Rights Act to help clients with a disability

Emma Phillips gave a presentation to Community Legal Centres Queensland on how to use the Human Rights Act to advocate for clients with a disability. You can view the presentation slides from the links below: PDF version of slides PowerPoint version of slides