Changing systems


Older submissions

Making Queensland Safer Bill 2024

QAI unequivocally rejects the Making Queensland Safer Bill 2024. This Bill will disproportionately and negatively impact children and young people with disability who are already significantly overrepresented in the criminal justice system. The changes proposed by...

Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system

In September 2024, the Federal Senate agreed to establish a National inquiry into Australia’s youth justice and incarceration system. The inquiry has been referred to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee. QAI made a submission to the inquiry,...

NDIS Supports list

QAI and QIDAN (the Queensland Independent Disability Advocacy Network) made a joint submission to the Department of Social Servicest regarding the draft list of NDIS Supports. The list of items participants cannot use their funding for is overly prescriptive, will...

Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill (second submission)

QAI made a second submission on the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024 when it returned to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee in July 2024. The Committee was asked to review several amendments...

Human Rights Act review

QAI made a submission to Professor Susan Rimmer in June 2024 regarding the independent review of the Queensland Human Rights Act. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (429 KB) Submission - Word (409 KB)  

Respect at Work Bill 2024

QAI made a submission to the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee on 26 June 2024 regarding the Respect At Work and Other Matters Amendment Bill 2024 (Stage 1 of Building Belonging Reforms). You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (637 KB)...

Public Trustee fee reform

QAI made a submission to the Public Trustee of Queensland in May 2024 regarding the proposed reform of the fees and charges for their key services. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (299 KB) Submission - Word (351 KB)  

Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill

QAI made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee regarding the proposed National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1) Bill 2024. QAI's submission made the following key recommendations: 1. The Federal...

Make renting fair

QAI made a submission to the Housing, Big Build and Manuifacturing Committee on 9 April 2024 regarding the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (176 KB)...

Anti-Discrimination Bill

QAI made a submission to the Department of Justice and Attorney General on 28 March 2024 regarding the proposed Anti-Discromination Bill 2024. You can read the submission linked below. Submission - PDF (450 KB) Submission - Word (354 KB)  

Education Amendment Bill

QAI made a submission to the Education, Employment, Training and Skills Committee on 25 March 2024 regarding the proposed Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. Our submission made 29 key recommendations, which you can read in the...

Youth Justice Reform

QAI made two submissions to the inquiry into ongoing reforms to the youth justice system. The inquiry is overseen by the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee. Our submissions focus on the overrepresentation of children with disability in the youth justice system....

Remove section 216 from Queensland’s Criminal Code

QAI wrote a joint submission with Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) and WWILD on the need to remove section 216 of Queensland's Criminal Code. The submission was sent to the parliamentary committee considering the Criminal Code (Decriminalising Sex Work) and...

Inquiry into Supported Accommodation in Queensland

QAI made a submission to the inquiry into the provision and regulation of supported accommodation in Queensland. In theory, hostels and boarding houses can provide a useful, short-term accommodation option for people with and without disability in Queensland. However,...

Supported Decision-Making publication

We made a submission to the Office of the Public Guardian on their Supported Decison-Making publication. In our submission we discuss why supported decision-making is important and our approach to it as an organsation, as well as some client stories of supported...

Education Funding

We made a submission to the Education, Employment and Training Committee on the Education (General Provisions) (Helping families with school costs) Amendment Bill 2023. The right to education for students with disability has long been a focus of QAI’s systemic...

Queensland’s Residential Care Review

QAI made a submission to the review of Queensland's Residential Care system. We made the following recommendations: De-institutionalise young people and update Departmental policies and procedures to align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons...

NDIS Review

QAI welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the NDIS Review. The NDIS provides critical support that facilitates the rights of people with disability to be independent and to live full social and economic lives.   However key challenges with the scheme remain...

Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023

QAI contributed to a joint submission by the Disability Representative Organisations (DROs) and other individuals to comment on the proposed Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023. Submission - PDF  

Review to inform a better and fairer education system

The right to education for students with disabilities has long been a focus of QAI’s systemic advocacy. Practices such as gatekeeping, the overuse of school disciplinary absences, the use of Restrictive Practices and a lack of access to reasonable adjustments, are...

Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights framework

QAI welcomes the opportunity to publicly call for a federal Human Rights Act. QAI continues to bear witness to the numerous ways in which people with disability have their rights infringed on a daily basis. Current avenues for redress provide piecemeal protection and...

Administrative Review Reform

QAI made a submission to the Attorney General's Department on the design of a new federal administrative review body. Read our submission here: Submission - PDF Submission - Word    

The issue of increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms

QAI made a submission to the federal government's inquiry into increasing disruption in Australian school classrooms. QAI urged the Committee to take a considered approach to understanding perceived “disorderly behaviour” which could be the manifestation of a person’s...

Current and proposed sexual consent laws in Australia

In March 2023, the Commonwealth Government conducted an inquiry into the sexual consent laws across the different jurisdictions in Australia. QAI's submission outlined our long-standing concern about Section 216 of the Queensland Criminal Code which criminalises...

Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023

On 21 February 2023, the Strengthening Community Safety Bill 2023 was introduced into the Queensland Parliament. The Bill was referred to the Economics and Governance Committee for detailed consideration and report by 10 March 2023. The proposed legislative changes...

A new Act to replace the Disability Services Act 1986 (Cth)

QAI welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the Commonwealth government’s plan to replace the Disability Services Act 1986 (the Act). QAI agrees that a lot has changed in the disability sector over the last three decades, rendering the Act outdated. QAI...

Monitoring of Places of Detention (OPCAT) Bill 2022

The purpose of this Bill is to facilitate visits by the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (the Subcommittee) to places of detention in Queensland. QAI welcomes this Bill following the Subcommittee’s failed visit to Australia in October 2022 when it...

QAI’s final recommendations to the Disability Royal Commission

During the course of the Disability Royal Commission, QAI has provided extensive evidence of the ongoing mistreatment of people with disability in Australian society. QAI has made ten written submissions, given evidence at three public hearings, and our Disability...

Capability and Culture of the NDIA

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in response to its inquiry into the Capability and Culture of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Despite several inquiries into the operation of the...

Places of Detention in Queensland

As a result of our work supporting clients in closed environments, QAI holds grave concerns regarding some of the physical and psychological conditions that people deprived of their liberty can endure when detained in certain Queensland-government funded institutions....

Guardianship, Substituted and Supported Decision-Making

QAI welcomes the Disability Royal Commission’s enhanced focus on guardianship, substituted and supported decision-making. While the intent behind guardianship legislation is to protect people with impaired decision-making capacity who are unable to make their own...

Information gathering for access and planning in the NDIS

QAI made a submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in response to their survey on information gathering for access and planning. The submission responds to key questions in the survey that directly pertain to the experiences of participants...

Draft Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation

At the 15th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), QAI learned about the CRPD Committee’s Draft Guidelines on Deinstitutionalisation, including in emergencies. These guidelines are very welcome...

QAI Intervention Statement to the United Nations

QAI made an intervention to the 15th Conference of States Parties (CoSP) General Debate, highlighting our concerns regarding risks to people with disability in closed environments and the inherent inability of closed environments to keep people safe from Covid-19...

The framework for a decriminalised sex work industry in Queensland

QAI welcomes the move to decriminalise sex work in Queensland. QAI has consistently raised concern about provisions within Queensland’s Criminal Code that infringe the human rights of people with disability and which arbitrarily limit their right to sexual...

Review of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)

Advocating for the right for all people with disability to live a life free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination is core to QAI’s work. QAI welcomed the opportunity to provide a submission to the Queensland Human Rights Commission (QHRC) as...

QAI and ATSILS call for inquiry into school disciplinary absences

Queensland Advocacy Incorporated (QAI) and The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (Qld) Limited (ATSILS) are publicly calling upon the Queensland Human Rights Commissioner to conduct an inquiry into the use of school disciplinary absences in...

Queensland’s restrictive practices laws

QAI considers the use of restrictive practices to infringe the fundamental human rights of people with disability. Restrictive practices are used as a form of behaviour control, applied to individuals considered to be exhibiting ‘behaviours of concern’. There are...

Religious Discrimination Bill 2021

QAI made a submission on the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights and the Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs. QAI is deeply concerned about the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021...

Institutional Economic Neglect

In July 2021, QAI provided a submission on the Purpose, Intent and Adequacy of the Disability Support Pension to the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee inquiry. In December 2021, QAI provided this submission to the Disability Royal Commission as evidence of...

Public Trustee – Advisory and Monitoring Board

QAI made a submission to the Community Support and Services Committee regarding the Public Trustee (Advisory and Monitoring Board) Amendment Bill 2021. QAI supports the establishment of the Board and its intended functions to monitor and review the performance of the...

Inspector of Detention Services Bill 2021

QAI made a submission to the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee on the Inspector of Detention Services Bill 2021. People with disability are over-represented in all sites of detention and are at greater risk of experiencing torture and ill-treatment in these settings....

Criminal Justice System – DRC issues paper

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the 'Criminal Justice System' issues paper. QAI welcomes the Royal Commission's focus on the experiences of people with disability in the criminal justice system. Despite increasing commitment by...

NDIS legislative changes and the Participant Service Guarantee

QAI made a submission to the Department of Social Services regarding the proposed changes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and the introduction of the Participant Service Guarantee. QAI supports the underlying intention behind many of the proposed...

Supporting you to make your own decisions

QAI and Leadership Plus have collaborated to provide a response to the NDIA's Support for Decision-Making policy. The increased focus on the decision-making rights of people with disability engaging with the NDIS is extremely welcome. However, whilst the proposed...

Public Trustee – Fees and Charges review

In August 2021, The Public Trustee of Queensland commenced a review of its Fees and Charges. QAI assists many people with disability whose financial affairs are managed by the Public Trustee. Whilst the Public Trustee states that its vision is to protect the dignity...

Vilification and people with disability

Some people with disability experience vilification and harassment on the basis of their disability. This includes physical and verbal abuse and can be perpetrated by strangers, groups or people known to them. Whilst disability is a leading cause of discrimination, it...

Coercive Control

QAI made a submission to the Women's Safety and Justice Taskforce regarding the proposals to legislate against coercive control and create a standalone domestic violence offence. QAI is deeply concerned about the disproportionate rates of violence and abuse affecting...

NDIS Amendment (Improving Supports for At Risk Participants) Bill 2021

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs regarding the National Disability Insurance Scheme Amendment (Improving Supports for At Risk Participants) Bill 2021. QAI has been concerned for some time about the ability of the NDIS Quality...

National Register of Enduring Powers of Attorney

QAI made a submission to the Attorney-General's Department regarding the proposed National Register of Enduring Powers of Attorney. QAI agrees that a National Register of Enduring Power of Attorneys ('EPOAs) would assist in reducing financial abuse, in particular, the...

Disability Support Pension

QAI made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee on their inquiry into the Disability Support Pension (DSP) and its purpose, intent and adequacy. QAI considers that the DSP in its current form has lost its purpose, is unreasonable in its...

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021

QAI is vigilant about the risks for people with disability inherent in schemes that legalise voluntary assisted dying. Voluntary assisted dying must never be a substitute for access to appropriate medical care, disability support services or palliative care, or indeed...

Promoting Inclusion

What does an inclusive society mean to you?  As an organisation dedicated to promoting the rights and interests of the most vulnerable Queenslanders with disability, QAI considers an inclusive society to be an essential prerequisite for people with disability to enjoy...

National Disability Employment Strategy

Further to our previous work on the new National Disability Strategy, QAI recently provided a submission to the Department of Social Services regarding the proposed National Disability Employment Strategy. With the underrepresentation of people with disability in...

Increasing Guardianship Applications in the NDIS

QAI is concerned by the increase in guardianship and administration applications that has correlated with the rollout of the NDIS in Queensland. These applications are often submitted by NDIS service providers in relation to the people they support. Applications are...

Independent Assessments

QAI is seriously concerned about the proposed introduction of mandatory Independent Assessments into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Under proposed changes, people with disability will be forced to undergo a generic, one-off assessment with a...

NDIS Access and Planning Policies

QAI is seriously concerned about the proposed introduction of mandatory Independent Assessments into the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Under proposed changes, people with disability will be forced to undergo a generic, one-off assessment with a...

NDIS Market in Queensland – Draft Report

QAI participated in the Queensland Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the operation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Queensland. QAI raised concern about the human rights implications of suggested reforms to the rules regulating Restrictive...

NDS and NDIS Outcomes Frameworks

QAI considers that if the new National Disability Strategy (NDS) and the NDIS are to genuinely improve the lives of people with disability, there must be tangible changes that facilitate the self-determination of people with disability, and which ensures the...

Restrictive Practices

QAI considers the use of Restrictive Practices as an infringement of the fundamental human rights of people with disability. Despite being cited as necessary to ensure safety, the use of Restrictive Practices often stems from prejudicial and discriminatory attitudes...

National Disability Strategy

QAI contributed towards the development of the new National Disability Strategy by providing a written submission in response to the Department of Social Service’s consultation paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word...

Disability Standards for Education

QAI provided a submission to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s 2020 Review of the Disability Standards for Education. Drawing upon our extensive experience of working with families who have children with disability in the education setting, we...

Inquiry into the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s Quality and Safeguards Commission. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of...

Support Coordination

QAI made a submission to the National Disability Insurance Agency in response to the discussion paper on Support Coordination. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Inquiry into the NDIS Market in Queensland

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission’s initial inquiry into the operation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in Queensland. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission...

Worker Screening Amendment Bill 2020

QAI made a submission in response to the Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Penalties for Assaults on Public Officers

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council’s inquiry into penalties for assaults on public officers. This submission focuses on the following discrete issues: The relevance of the employment of the victim to the perceived gravity, and...

Group Homes

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the Group homes issues paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Emergency Planning and Response

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the Emergency Planning and Response issues paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Impact of COVID-19 Restrictions

QAI made a submission to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 in relation to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions on people with disability in Queensland. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Inquiry into NDIS Workforce

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme’s (NDIS) inquiry into the NDIS Workforce. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs regarding effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word...

Inclusive Education

QAI made a submission to the Disability Royal Commission in response to the Education and learning issues paper. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

Priorities for Federal Discrimination Law Reform

QAI made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission regarding proposed reforms to federal discrimination laws. You can read the full submission at the links below: PDF version of submission Word version of submission  

The Tune Review 2019

QAI made a submission to David Tune's 2019 Review of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and the Participant Service Guarantee. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Centrelink’s Compliance Program

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs regarding the inquiry into Centrelink's Compliance Program. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

NDIS Planning

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into planning in the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Adequacy of Newstart Allowance

QAI made a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee regarding the inquiry into the adequacy of the Newstart Allowance and other related payments. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

NDIS Thin Markets

QAI made a submission to the Department of Social Services for the NDIS Thin Markets project. Read our full submission via the links below. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Supported Independent Living

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into Supported Independent Living Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Fitness to Plea

QAI made a submission to the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute regarding fitness for trial laws. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Imprisonment and Recidivsm Draft Report

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission's inquiry on Imprisonment and Recidivism. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Civil Surveillance and Privacy

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Law Reform Commission regarding the review of Queensland's laws relating to civil surveillance and the protection of privacy in the context of current and emerging technologies. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Opening Doors to Renting Reform

QAI made a submission to the Opening Doors to Rental Reform consultation. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Disability Standards for Accessible Transport

QAI made a submission to the Disability Transport Access Secretariat regarding the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Human Rights Bill 2018

QAI made a submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee regarding the Human Rights Bill 2018. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Reshaping the Disability Services Act 2006

QAI made a submission to the Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors regarding reform to the Disability Services Act 2006. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Imprisonment and Recidivism

QAI made a submission to the Queensland Productivity Commission's inquiry into Imprisonment and Recidivism. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Petitioning the Parliament

QAI made a submission to the Petitions Committee regarding the inquiry into the future of petitioning in the House. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Transport Technology

QAI made a submission to the Transport and Public Works Committee regarding the inquiry into Transport Technology. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

OPCAT in Australia – Stage 2

QAI made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission titled 'OPCAT in Australia - Stage 2'. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

My Health Record

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs regarding the inquiry into the My Health Record System. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Intergenerational Welfare Dependence

QAI made a submission to the House of Representatives Select Committee on Intergenerational Welfare Dependence. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Wage Theft in Queensland

QAI made a submission to the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee regarding the inquiry into wage theft in Queensland. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

QAI made a submission to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee regarding the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2018. Submission - PDF Submission - Word...

Police Powers and Responsibilities

QAI made a submission to the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee regarding the review of the Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2018. Submission - PDF  

Market Readiness for the NDIS

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into market readiness for the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

Queesland Rail Exemption from Disability Discrimination Laws

QAI made a submission regarding the Queensland government's application for temporary exemptions to the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Standards 2002 on behalf of Queensland Rail. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

General issues around the implementation of the NDIS

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme's inquiry into general implementation issues of the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Cashless Debit Card

QAI made a submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs regarding the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card) Bill 2017. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

The Justice Project

QAI made a submission to the Law Council of Australia's consultation paper, The Justice Project. Submission - PDF Submission - Word

NDIS Transitional Arrangements

QAI made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme regarding transitional arrangements for the NDIS. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

QAI made two submissions in 2017 on the development of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. Submission re Bill - PDF Submission re Bill - Word Submission re framework - PDF Submission re framework - Word

OPCAT in Australia

QAI made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission regarding the implementation of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) in Australia. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

NDIS funding

QAI made a number of submissions in 2017 on the proposed funding arrangements for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. NDIS Funding Bill (ELC, Sep 2017) - PDF NDIS Funding Bill (ELC, Sep 2017) - WORD NDIS Costs (Productivity Commission, March 2017) - PDF NDIS...

Walk the Talk: Report and Outcomes from the forum

On Monday 20th March 2017 at the Brisbane Cultural and Convention Centre, a forum including six workshops was held to consider the progress Australia has made and how far we have yet to go in the implementation of the National Disability Strategy as the nation’s...

NDIS Code of Conduct

QAI made a submission to the Department of Social Services on the proposed Code of Conduct for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Submission - PDF Submission - Word  

Towards an All Abilities Queensland

QAI made a submission to the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services for the Towards an All Abilities Queensland consultation. Submission - PDF Submission - Word